Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Seth died

My friend Seth was found dead in his apartment a few days ago.

"Don't talk to me about a Mask unless you're talking about that dog in the Jim Carrey movie!"

Rest in Peace Seth Ariel Walot.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Twenty 5a 5a 5a 5ifteen

The other night I found myself gazing out at the skyline of Los Angeles from some park, a line of adderall cut up and resting on the hardcover of a Hob Broun book, recently borrowed from the Benjamin Franklin Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library. I should use the library more, I remember thinking. A resolution? What else could I possibly want? Stay alive; more of the same. Really, what else? That's it. I can do that.

Maybe I can get a dog too.

But I musn’t wander too far from what I really wanted to talk about, which, in fact, was freedom, a kind of liberation: writing badly, speaking badly, holding forth about plate tectonics in the middle of a reptiles’ dinner party- it’s so liberating and so richly deserved- offering up myself to the compassion of strangers and then dishing out insults at random, spitting as I talk, passing out indiscriminately, becoming a nightmare for the friends I don’t deserve, milking a cow and pouring the milk over its head, as Nicanor Parra says in a magnificent and mysterious line.”

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Parrpeii Parr for the Course

A couple of years ago, upon discovering the Google World Wonders Project (for the unawares: it's an extension of Google Street View featuring important world heritage sites and the like), I joked that the e-exploration of Pompeii was like a fun little make-your-own Martin Parr photo app, and that there were probably more sandals there now than when the Romans ran the place. Yes, I know, I'm very funny.

I took these screenshots a while ago while I was thinking about these jokes again. Looks like Parr went to Pompeii last year.

My favorites are the second and last pics posted, btw. I think if you click on them they'll get bigger but I'm not sure.