Friday, September 5, 2014

some screenshots that i took on my computer of cell phone photos of my drawings + captions explaining stuff if you wanted to know

ketchup & creole mustard on overdue obamacare bill w/ japanese toy. right out the gate this isn't even a drawing, really
drawn on acid, not much better than my sober drawings. the flag on top of the castle says "sucks." the shadowy guys are saying "that is what they wear on their feet" in reference to whatever the thing welcoming them to the sucky nope-castle is.

i have drawn tons of these "rogues gallery" matchbook covers and lost almost all of them. ICE PICK was always my favorite. runners up include BOSS DRAMA, MEAN MR. MOON, BOBBY THE BERRY and probably others. i plan on making a lil zine of em someday, but then again i plan on a lot of things

self portrait from hella years ago that i liked so much at this point that i got too scared to finish. that was my actual haircut at the time.

some close ups for a poster i did for the new orleans now wave band CURVED DOG: you should totally check em out because they rule. he's running to the mega-mall parking lot saying "NO WAVES!! GET IT?!" Some fun details: his dumb back tattoo is the same as henry rollin's  dumb back tattoo. also the way i drew his feet is a total Don Martin rip

flier for a NOLA punk show, where the blue dog + crass + the sex pistols font are funny things to have on a flier together. idk if the joke translates elsewhere. weird coincidence: George Rodrigue died the day that i drew this flier. the thing on the right is saying "i'm crying, i'm dying." abe lincoln has a gonzo nose.

some mock ups for shirts that my homie and i were gonna make and then never did b/c i moved across the country. HANKS is a bodega in NOLA that punk kids and cracky kinda folks get wasted in the parking lot of and watch the sunrise. can you see that the praying hands are smashing a cockroach? the one on the left says "when it rains it pails" which is a thing i wrote in one of my notebooks while on acid like it was gonna mean something to me later or something. yah rite.

SUPPORT OUR STOOPS drawing for my buddy Clayton. he wanted me to draw something commemorating the stoop that he has been getting drunk on almost every night for the past few years and this is what i came up with. i hate how i spaced out the letters but whatever. 

i had the idea to make this "ad" when i was stoned, so i did. options include: asses/butts, giant sweaty cock that smells, dog privates, muffins, toad choad, witchtit, hairy balls, just popsicle, & ANYTHING

i wanted to draw the raiders guy and a man with a weird swastika body and also california. this is what happened.

bar napkin doodles. i should note that although i really like to draw swastikas, and although i own a bunch of crazy offensive porn, it's not cuz i'm facist or racist or have contempt for women or anything. it's more like i just have no hope for humanity. i'd like the world to be a better place, but it's not. 
there is something to this idea at the top: a cyclops unable to find a mate, then driven mad by its own inability to blink. i haven't thought about it much harder than that though. anyway, this is the last page of an old notebook. the skull drawing is a blind contour thing.

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